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Friday, June 03, 2005

Star Wars Episode III - World's Shortest Movie Review

Mood: a Butterscotch Pudding sort of calm.
Track Injection: DURAN DURAN DURAN's "Relentless Decapitation" <--- click to listen (REALPLAYER)

Well, I actually penned an 8 paragraph review of the film way back

but then I thought, wot's the point? oo's going to want to read 8

paragraphs o mine, when everyone 'as already read a bleedin gogolplex

of Star Wars reviews?

So instead I shall pen the world's shortest review with the intent of

encapsulating everything wot this Star Wars movie does, in my view.


This Star Wars has above all else, done this: it 'as made Star Wars, cool, again.

That is all. RickenRack.


michael xavier maelstrom