Talkin about Kung Fu JESUS
Mood: Coked up on Dare Whippet Marshmallow Cookies
(started with Smash & Grab eat-mode moving now to Striptease after mondo sugar buzz)
Track Injection: THE ARCADE FIRE's "Neighborhood II" <--- click to listen (REALPLAYER)
How can one resist the awesome curio power of Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter? <-- click there to find out.
No I'm not a religious nut though I will cop to being a hazelnut if pressed. And I realize it's not strictly "SciFi" but, this blog thing 'ere (SciFiFanZine - Ed) isn't strictly about SciFi (though it is - Ed) please don't help me Ed., rather it is more about this and/or the SciFiFan's interests.
and what better way to illustrate that, than to start off with a blog entry that 'as absolutely nothing to do with scifi!
((tug down on shirt))
I felt I should clarify that as this is my first post 'ere. So how can one resist the awesome curio power of Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter: the Movie? oh one can of course, very simply, by ignoring it, terribly terribly simple. but then you go to hell.
(have a nice day - Ed)
Good for a stake-in-the-hearty series of shifty nervous laughs, particularly if you're Christian, and particularly if you're not.
(eh? - Ed)
Go Away Ed.
Post Scribble: I have to tell you something sacrophiliac. From a purely analytical (and insane - as MM used to be an alter-boy you know -Ed) Go Away Ed., standpoint, I 'ave always thought that Jesus Christ was less likely to 'ave been the Vampire Hunter and more likely to have been the ....
(oh no - Ed)
Think about it, JC drank his own blood, taught others to do the same, and is immortal.
Yes, Jesus Christ was a Vampire!
(eat your heart out Martin Scorsese and Monty Python - Ed)
(started with Smash & Grab eat-mode moving now to Striptease after mondo sugar buzz)
Track Injection: THE ARCADE FIRE's "Neighborhood II" <--- click to listen (REALPLAYER)
How can one resist the awesome curio power of Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter? <-- click there to find out.
No I'm not a religious nut though I will cop to being a hazelnut if pressed. And I realize it's not strictly "SciFi" but, this blog thing 'ere (SciFiFanZine - Ed) isn't strictly about SciFi (though it is - Ed) please don't help me Ed., rather it is more about this and/or the SciFiFan's interests.
and what better way to illustrate that, than to start off with a blog entry that 'as absolutely nothing to do with scifi!
((tug down on shirt))
I felt I should clarify that as this is my first post 'ere. So how can one resist the awesome curio power of Jesus Christ Vampire Hunter: the Movie? oh one can of course, very simply, by ignoring it, terribly terribly simple. but then you go to hell.
(have a nice day - Ed)
Good for a stake-in-the-hearty series of shifty nervous laughs, particularly if you're Christian, and particularly if you're not.
(eh? - Ed)
Go Away Ed.
Post Scribble: I have to tell you something sacrophiliac. From a purely analytical (and insane - as MM used to be an alter-boy you know -Ed) Go Away Ed., standpoint, I 'ave always thought that Jesus Christ was less likely to 'ave been the Vampire Hunter and more likely to have been the ..
(oh no - Ed)
Think about it, JC drank his own blood, taught others to do the same, and is immortal.
Yes, Jesus Christ was a Vampire!
(eat your heart out Martin Scorsese and Monty Python - Ed)